Vicenzaoro September, The International Jewellery Boutique Open

Vicenzaoro September 2024
  • Until Tuesday 10th, Italian Exhibition Group’s show with previews of new jewellery trends,  under the banner of 70 years of gold fairs in Vicenza 
  • Opening Ceremony at 11:30 am: speakers will include IEG President Maurizio Ermeti, Vicenza  Mayor Giacomo Possamai, Vicenza Province President Andrea Nardin, Claudia Piaserico  (President of Federorafi), Matteo Zoppas (President of ITA – Italian Trade Agency), Fabrizio  Lobasso (MFAIC) and Veneto Region President Luca Zaia  
  • Until Sunday, VO’Clock Privé for watch enthusiasts with free admission 

Vicenza (Italy), September 2024 – Tomorrow will see the opening of Vicenzaoro September 2024 – The  Jewellery Boutique Show, the international gold and jewellery event organised by Italian Exhibition Group,  ready to welcome the world’s precious jewellery community back to Vicenza Expo Centre from tomorrow until  Tuesday 10th September. In the year of its 70th anniversary celebrations, which make Vicenzaoro the world’s  longest-running sector event, the Show will host 1,200 exhibitorsin IEG’s Expo Centre in Vicenza, 40% of whom  will be foreign from 35 countries worldwide, with Turkey, China, Hong Kong, Germany, Thailand and Belgium  leading the way.  

A business marketplace for sector operators from all over the world thanks to Italian Trade Agency and the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’s incoming programme, Vicenzaoro will welcome  more than 450 buyers from 60 countries mainly from the United States, the Emirates, China and Spain and  France for Europe. 

The event will have a new layout due to the ongoing construction work on the new 22,000 m2 hall that will be  ready in the first half of 2026: the installation of three temporary halls and the adoption of a new looped  navigation system will ensure zero impact on the visitor experience, thanks to a concept that maintains the  format of the Jewellery Boutique Show and arranges the exhibition offer into product categories. 

At the same time, the opening of VO’Clock Privé, IEG’s lounge specifically for contemporary watchmaking,  which will welcome enthusiasts, experts and collectors free of charge, subject to registration, until Sunday 8th September providing an immersive experience into the universe of timepieces with the big names in the sector. 


The opening ceremony, which will take place at 11.30 am in the Palladio Theatre, will begin with on-stage  greetings from IEG President Maurizio Ermeti, followed by the Mayor of Vicenza, Giacomo Possamai and the  President of the Province of Vicenza, Andrea Nardin. The opening will then see speeches by Claudia PiasericoPresident of Federorafi, representing all the gold and jewellery sector’s national associations, Matteo Zoppas,  President of ITA – Italian Trade Agency, Fabrizio Lobasso, Deputy Director General for the Promotion of the  Nation System and central director for economic internationalisation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and  International Cooperation, and Veneto Region President, Luca Zaia


The business marketplace of reference for European jewellery, Vicenzaoro September is, above all, a “trend  show” featuring top brands of high-end jewellery, new collections, goldsmithing with the best of Made in Italy  production from the main national manufacturing districts and leading international companies. It is also a place  for global networking, trends, innovation, information and training thanks to its decades-long ability to interpret 

the market’s signals and anticipate changes in customs and consumption. A capacity that is highlighted at the  September edition of the event by the presentation of the Trendbook, edited by Trendvision Jewellery +  Forecasting, IEG’s independent observatory. The appointment is for Sunday morning at the Palladio Theatre. 


According to ISTAT data processing by Confindustria Federorafi’s Study Centre, in the first five months of 2024,  the trend of the last quarter of last year for the gold-silver-jewellery sector on international markets continued.  Exports grew at a very high rate: supported not only by rising precious metal prices, but above all, by the  performance of Turkey. From January to May, precious metal exports increased by +59.2% to a total of EUR  6.934 billion

The industry trade balance of EUR 6 billion in the first five months of 2024, was up 83.4% (+ 2.729 bn) compared  to the same period in 2023. Volumes also grew, albeit more modestly: +14% in the five-month period. While  growth by geographic area or country showed a less lively average for the EU of 12.5%, accounting for 18.9% of  exports. The non-EU area, accounting for 81.1% of the total, showed an average variation of +76.3%, about 17  percentage points above average. The performance of the non-EU area was decisively affected by the trend  recorded by Turkey, which rose from fifth to first place in 2023. 

Italian exports to Turkey over the five-month period recorded a variation of +721.3% (attributable to wearable  jewellery), covering 37.9% of sector exports for that period. This trend can be attributed to the search for new  routes due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the increase in customs duties and local taxation on gold, which  encouraged Turkish operators to import semi-finished or finished products, as confirmed by the World Gold  Council’s analyses.  

In second place, the United States grew by +2.6% compared to the same period in 2023. In third place, the  United Arab Emirates, which showed a variation of +15.7%. 


The entire institutional and association world will be in attendance at Vicenzaoro September: in addition to the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA – Agency for the promotion and  internationalisation of Italian companies abroad, Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato Orafi,  Confcommercio Federpreziosi, CNA Orafi, Club degli Orafi Italia, Confimi Industria Categoria Orafa ed Argentiera,  Assogemme, Assocoral and AFEMO – Italian Association of Jewellery Machinery Manufacturers and Exporters,  will all be contributing to the event’s agenda. On the international side: CIBJO – World Jewellery Confederation,  which promotes the economic and social sustainability of the jewellery supply chain. 


Several Vicenzaoro September events will also be streamed on The Jewellery Golden Cloud platform, which  includes useful maps for getting around the fair, locating company stands, making direct contact and setting up  business appointments. 

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and TJM Media Pvt Ltd. is not responsible for any errors in the same.