Returns, Refunds and Cancellations
How do I cancel my order?
Yes, you can cancel any order until it is prepared for shipment from your Orders page? Just click the “Need to cancel this item?” link, or Email us with your order number and reason of cancellation so we can cancel the order before it get ship. If the order ship then order can not be cancel.
How do I return or exchange something?
You can return or exchange eligible items up to 15 days from the date your order was delivered as long as products are in a resalable condition. Items must be in their original condition (unused, unwashed, and undamaged) with all the packaging intact. Please note that you cannot return or exchange certain products, including Custom products.
What is the return & Refund policy?
You can return or exchange eligible items up to 15 days from the date your order was delivered as long as products are in a resalable condition. Items must be in their original condition (unused, unwashed, and undamaged) with all the packaging intact. Please note that you cannot return or exchange certain products, including 1. Custom products. Your all purchase protected by Paypal. When returning the item, Message to the seller and after item deliver to seller message to a seller for a refund. If any issue. Please email us at info[@]thejewelrymagazine[.]com or open a case at Paypal and Paypal will protect your purchase.
My package arrived damaged! What should I do?
If you received damaged item, Please contact TJM Trusted Suppliers or email so we can redirect your complaint to the seller. It will be better to message to a seller for the issue. We are sure our all verified seller will help you to resolve or provide a refund. Please note damaged items are eligible for a full refund once the item is returned and the damage is confirmed.