The IDEX Online Polished Price Report – July 2019

IDEX Online

Once again, just like during the first half of the year, price developments in rounds in most sizes under a carat were mixed – and minor. However, the few price developments in sizes from 0.90 ct. up to three carats were positive, with the 1.00-1.24 carat range showing 2 to 3.5 percent rises in VVS1-VVS2 / EF and SI2 / DEF goods. In the 2.00 to 2.99 carat range, there were some notable price improvements in the higher colors and commercial clarities. In addition, in the 3.00 to 3.99 carat range prices of both high and commercial colors in the higher clarities improved. On the other hand, the few price changes in rounds of 4.00 to 5.99 carats were predominantly negative.

In fancy shape diamonds, there was very little price movement in sizes under half a carat. Price trends for goods of 0.50 to 0.90 carats were mixed, with generally more declines in higher colors and clarities, and some rises noted for the more commercial goods. Contrary to that, the 1.00-1.24 carat range showed a clear upward trend registering one to four percent gains in H+ / SI2+ goods, with some, minor exceptions. In sizes above that, price changes were minor.

News Source: idexonline

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