The Fifth Mediterranean Gemmological & Jewellery Conference comes to Cyprus

The Fifth Mediterranean Gemmological & Jewellery Conference comes to Cyprus

The Fifth Mediterranean Gemmological & Jewellery Conference will take place in Limasol, Cyprus, May 17 to 19, 2019.

As usual, the conference is organized by Branko Deljanin of CGL-GRS (Canada) and George Spyromilios of IGL (Greece). The first four MGJ Conferences were held in Greece (2015), Spain (2016), Italy (2017) and Montenegro (2018).

In the five years since it was held first, the MGJ Conference has positioned itself as a meeting point and platform that connects the gem and jewelry business community and the multi-faceted community of gemologists, appraisers, mineralogists and other scientists who research the fascinating world of gemstones.

As such, the MGJ Conference has become known and appreciated as a tech-trade conference that tables and tackles current gem identification issues and problems encountered by gem and jewelry traders, offering solutions through workshops with standard as well as advanced but still affordable instruments.

In 2018, participants in the 2018 MGJ Conference in Montenegro, hailed from 25 countries, coming from a range of fields, such as gemstone mining, gemstone manufacturing, and trading, gemological research, jewelry manufacturing and retail, gem identification and grading, as well as appraising.

Friday, May 17

Intermediate Gem Workshops
Morning: Opal workshop
Afternoon: Ruby, sapphire and emerald workshop

Saturday, May 18

Lectures and presentations
Sergey Sivovolenko or Roman Serov (Octonus, Finland)
“Diamond Impressions – The Key to Sustainable Competitiveness”

John Chapman (Gemetrix, Australia)
“The Economics of Faceting Diamonds”

Dr. Michael Schlamadinger (Swarovski, Austria)
Man-Made Diamonds Beyond Science

Garry Holloway (Holloway Diamonds, Australia)
“Poorly proportioned diamonds cheat buyers”

Katrien De Corte (HRD, Belgium)
“Synthetic diamond, dream or nightmare”

Dr. Stefanos Karampelas, Abeer Al-Alawi (DANAT, Bahrain)
“Building DANAT robust database: from the mine directly to the lab”

Edward Boehm (Rare Source Gems, USA)
“Ethical sourcing of gems and importance of origin – spinel case study”

Dr. Stefanos Karampelas, Abeer Al-Alawi (DANAT, Bahrain)
“Natural Bahraini pearls”

Stefan Miller (DSEF, Germany)
“Notes from the German Gem Lab DSEF Idar-Oberstein”

Dr. Clemens Schwarzinger (Clemens Schwarzinger Gemstones, Austria)
“Gem cutting in the 21st century – weight retention or precision cuts”

Dr Gamini Zoysa (Ceylon Gemmological Services, Sri Lanka)
“Value of rubies and sapphires from different localities”

Round Table Discussion:
Moderated by John Chapman (Gemetrix, Australia)

“Manufacturing Diamonds and Gems in 21st Century” with Sergey Sivovolenko (Octonus, Finland); Garry Holloway (Holloway Diamonds, Australia); Clemens Schwarzinger (Clemens Schwarzinger Gemstones, Austria)’ and Moshe Lampel (DDS Diamonds, Israel).

Closing Remarks

Yianni Melas, MC, GEMEXPLORER (Cyprus), George Spyromilios, Conference Chair, and Branko Deljanin, Conference Co-Chair.

Sunday, May 19
Advanced Diamond Workshop
“The identification of colorless diamonds – natural, treated and lab-grown”
This half-day workshop is held both in the morning and the afternoon.
Instructors: Branko Deljanin (CGL-GRS, Canada), George Spyromilios (IGL, Greece) and John Chapman (Gemetrix, Australia).

Yianni Melas, Gemexplorer (Cyprus), will serve as the conference emcee.
The 2019 conference is sponsored and supported by DANAT lab (Bahrain), Octonus (Finland), HRD Antwerp NV (Belgium), Swarovski (Austria), Gemetrix (Australia) Jewellery Appraisers of the World (UK), Cyprus Gemological Lab (Cyprus) and the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (USA).

NewsSource: idexonline

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