Taiwan Fair to highlight modern jewellery designs

Buyers at the 2017 Taiwan Fair

Contemporary jewellery designs will be among the highlights of the 2018 edition of the Taiwan Jewellery & Gem Fair when it opens on November 2 at the Taipei World Trade Centre.

Organised by UBM Asia Ltd and recognised as one of the most effective jewellery business platforms within the region, the four-day event is entering its sixth year with new elements to enhance the overall experience of visitors and exhibitors, according to the organisers.

The show is co-organised by the Taiwan Jewelry Industry Association and Taipei Jewelers’ Association. In 2017, the fair attracted more than 9,000 visitors and generated a record sales of US$20 million.

This year, the Taiwan Fair is expanding its contemporary designer zone where designers from China, Japan and Taiwan can showcase their exceptional pieces. The goldsmith contest organised by the Taipei Jewellery Workshop Union is another popular event that’s making a comeback this year. To promote the art behind jewellery making, the organiser is inviting professional goldsmiths to take part in the competition.

“This year, the organiser will also organise seminars related to jewellery customisation following the latest consumer trends,” revealed UBM Asia.

News Source : jewellerynet.com

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