Positive Sentiment among 35,000 IIJS Visitors

Positive Sentiment among 35,000 IIJS Visitors

Demand for larger diamonds – 3.0-cts and above – is strong, say traders at the IIJS Premiere (India International Jewellery Show), currently taking place in Mumbai, India.

Ovals, emeralds, pears, marquise and other fancy shapes are also popular. Fancy prices have held up better than rounds – down 25 per cent drop since February, compared to 30 or 35 per cent for rounds.

Organizers of the event, the biggest industry show after JCK, are expecting $5.9bn of trade by the time the six-day event closes tomorrow (Tuesday 8 August).

“There is a notable demand for large stones, which are carat plus diamonds, and small diamonds below 50 points,” Akshay Shah, director of sales, Solitaires at Dharmanandan Diamonds, told the IIJS Show Update.

Buyers reported positive sentiment ahead of Diwali, in November and the wedding season from November to February.

The show features over 1,850+ exhibitors, with 3250 stalls, with an anticipated attendance of over 35,000 trade visitors from India and over 80 other countries.

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