OroArezzo exhibition opens, government pledges to advance jewelry sector’s ties with China

OroArezzo exhibition opens, government pledges to advance jewelry sector's ties with China

The 40th edition of OROAREZZO opened at Arezzo’s Fiere e Congressi on April 4th. Prof. Michele Geraci, Italy’s Foreign Trade Undersecretary, gave the keynote address during the opening ceremony. The show aims to showcase “the very best of Made in Italy jewellery on the international market.”

In his address, Enrico Rossi, President of the Tuscany Region said: “Oroarezzo is still a young and much-alive show because it is backed by a remarkable organization, a manufacturing area that is much more than 40 years old and whose roots date back to ancient times.”

Evoking the region’s rich past, Rossi highlighted the Tuscan business community’s abilities in innovation and foreign trade. He noted that in the last decade, Tuscany’s gold and jewelry exports had become one of the country’s most important export products.

“Tuscany is standing firm on its feet and Oroarezzo with it. The leather industry, packaging, and, in part, textiles as well, and gold – which is linked to design and fashion – make up this great Tuscan fashion district, which is where its strength lies.”

Ivana Ciabatti, President of Confindustria Federorafi, challenged the Undersecretary, saying that the jewelry industry, together with the federal government, needs to support and promote the 8,000 or so gold and jewellery companies, the vast majority of which are small and medium-sized. This can be achieved, she said, by strengthening national trade shows, and by implementing omni-channelling and foreign market initiatives. She also invited Undersecretary Geraci to open “a ‘Gold Road’ with China.”

Undersecretary Geraci surprised the audience as he immediately welcomed the latter idea, declaring himself available to “go and negotiate with China to knock down sector taxes. This is a pledge. You have invited me to get down to work, and I will make you a promise: +7 [Euro] billion in exports from Italy to China, obviously including the gold sector.”

NewsSource: idexonline

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