OROAREZZO 2024, Between Classic And Contemporary Export Champions And Major International Players

  • From 11th to 14th May, Arezzo Fiere e Congressi will host top exhibitors of Italian jewellery  manufacturing. From the districts of Arezzo and Vicenza: wearable Made in Italy design  and technique  
  • The big foreign players for wedding jewellery, diamonds, reinterpretations of the classics:  Turkey, Spain and Portugal have chosen the Arezzo platform for their business 

Arezzo (Italy), 19th April 2024 – Export-oriented, markedly international and ready to recognise talent. Among  the leading names of exhibitors at Oroarezzo 2024, the gold and silverware manufacturing industry is ready  to rediscover the foreign reference markets of Italy’s leading production district: the Arab Emirates, Turkey,  the United States, Hong Kong and France. A quintet worth more than 65% of the sector’s exports for a value  of 1.6 billion (source: Federorafi). Made in Italy manufacturing will be on show from 11th to 14th May at  Arezzo Fiere e Congressi for the 43rd edition of the event organised by Italian Exhibition Group with all the  varieties of gold and silver chain, semi-finished products and components, necklace clasps and an ever increasing range of jewellery production. International vocation also confirmed by foreign players who have  chosen the IEG event for their business. Confirming commitment to the ethical and responsible supply and  processing of precious metals, JRC certification is becoming increasingly common. 


Among the most representative exhibitors of Italian gold-silver manufacturing, international buyers will find  the stands of Richline Italia, which specialises in creating earrings, rings and slave bracelets with a classic and  timeless design; Giordini, which, just this year, has reached its 60-year milestone in producing luxury goods  with attention to the smallest details, the result of continuous stylistic and technological research; and  Omega Art, which has turned the texture of chains into a true artistic expression. Still in regard to Arezzo workmanship, the variety of gold and silver chain designs by A.M.P., Coar and Croma Catene, manufacturers  that have combined technical precision, design and fashion spirit; Quadrifoglio and Silo for semi-finished  products and clasps that can be customised on white label productions for both small and large brands. A  regular at Oroarezzo, Unoaerre will be bringing its wide range of products: from wedding bands to chains,  from the classics to finished gold and silver jewellery. As for Vicenza-based companies, Alessi Domenico,  which embellishes its chains with hand-set diamonds or experiments with silver and ruthenium fusions with  unique chromatic results; Jewellery Responsible Council certified Karizia, which has made design and  expressive freedom its stylistic hallmark to the point of making the chain an element of the outfit. And  Treviso-based Chrysos, renowned for its technological excellence. And, once again for the “customisable”  segment, Vicenza-based F.lli Bovo, Veneroso and D’Orica, together with their “household” companies Gold Art and Artlinea. For jewellery production, from the Valenza district: Moraglione 1922, Giloro and New  Ander.


The foreign companies that have chosen the Oroarezzo platform include Zen Diamonds and Arpas from  Turkey. One of the largest Turkish jewellery exporters in the world for a decade, the former produces  diamond jewellery, especially for weddings and engagements, and is one of this segment’s European and the  Middle Eastern market leaders. The latter has grown over the years to become one of the world’s largest  gold, silver and diamond jewellery producers and was the first manufacturer in Turkey to be RJC certified in  2016. Additionally, Alias Concept from Spain, which, in the space of 15 years, has gained a distinctive position  in the Cordoba manufacturing district by incorporating precious and semi-precious stones into its jewellery.  The Andalusian company is RJC certified. While the Portuguese company Galeiras traditionally uses gold and  silver in its jewellery, characterised by attractive interpretations of classic forms.

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