LBMA Adds India’s Choksi Heraeus to Silver Good Delivery List

LBMA Adds India’s Choksi Heraeus to Silver Good Delivery List

Choksi Heraeus Pvt. Ltd. (CHPL), a leading silver refinery based in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, has been added to the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Good Delivery List for silver, effective from 14th November.

To secure this coveted status, CHPL underwent rigorous testing procedures conducted by independent referees. The refinery’s silver bars were meticulously examined and assayed, while its in-house assaying capabilities were rigorously assessed. CHPL successfully met LBMA’s stringent criteria for ownership, history, production capacity, and financial standing.

Established in 1988, CHPL has a rich history in silver refining. In 1994, the company formed a joint venture with Heraeus, a global leader in precious metals, further enhancing its technological capabilities and international standing. Today, CHPL operates an integrated facility equipped with advanced electro and chemical refining processes, enabling it to handle substantial volumes of silver refining.

The LBMA Good Delivery List is a globally recognised benchmark for the quality and purity of precious metals. The list now includes 65 gold and 81 silver refiners.

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