IGI organizes an extensive training program for Patel Jewellers at Mehsana

IGI organizes an extensive training program for Patel Jewellers at Mehsana

Experts from IGI conducted a Retail Support Program and a Know Your Diamond Jewelry seminar.

The International Gemological Institute, IGI, conducted an integrated session for the sales team and clientele of Patel Jewellers in Mehsana. The Retail Support Program is a specialized session, designed to help retail sales professional refine their skills at selling diamond jewelry and converting a purchase journey into an experience.

From the 4C’s– Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat weight to the nuances in grading jewelry, the session emphasized on the importance of extending the perfect retail process to the customers. The team was introduced to the novel aspects in a striking a sale, the techniques of handling a situation and analyzing the customers’ needs and handling the various queries that they may have with regard to the merchandize. The art of reading an IGI report was imparted too, helping them communicate the importance of certification to the customers.

The ‘Know Your Diamond Jewelry’ seminar was hosted for the customers of Patel Jewellers and to the Doctor’s Wing of ONGC. The participants were initiated tothe journey of a diamond, the subtle aspects in jewelry and the importance of purchasing a certified jewelry as well as the standards of excellence that IGI adheres to while certifying a piece of jewelry.

The International Gemological Institute, IGI, holds the supreme position in the gemological world. With a highly competent research wing and state of the art laboratories across the globe, IGI is indeed the world’s most trusted name in diamond, gemstone and diamond jewelry identification and grading. The institute conducts training sessions for both retailers and their customers in order to impart education and spread awareness among diamond connoisseurs.

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