Over 1,000 exhibiting brands and 300 buyers from 50 countries worldwide  

for Europe’s first international gold and jewellery event.  

Italian Exhibition Group’s show consolidates its role as a unique international hub for business, innovation,  sustainability and training for the entire jewellery supply chain. 

At the same time T.GOLD, the international show for machinery and technologies for jewellery processing and  VO’ CLOCK PRIVÉ, the new lounge for contemporary watchmaking, also open to enthusiasts at the weekend.  

After sector growth in 2021, expectations are also positive for 2022. 

Vicenza, 16th March 2022 – From tomorrow until Monday 21st March, Vicenzaoro 2022 – The Jewellery Boutique  Show, the international jewellery exhibition organised by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group, will be back at Vicenza Expo  Centre. At the same time, T.Gold, the international show for machinery and advanced technologies for the design  and production of jewellery, and VO’Clock Privé, the new contemporary watchmaking lounge, an opportunity for 24  excellent watchmaking brands to meet sector operators and enthusiasts. 

Vicenzaoro will host over 1,000 exhibiting brands from 27 countries with the return of companies from countries  such as Hong Kong, Thailand and India that are loosening restrictions on mobility. More than 140 brands will be  exhibiting at T.Gold from 15 countries. Over 300 buyers from more than 50 countries are also expected, especially  from the USA (17%), UAE (7%), Israel (5%), Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The Jewellery Golden Cloud platform is also active  for setting up business meetings at the show and for remote business opportunities. 

The opening ceremony of the event, scheduled for tomorrow at 11.30 am, will be attended by IEG President Lorenzo  Cagnoni, the Mayor of Vicenza Francesco Rucco, sculptor Lorenzo Quinn, the Vice President of Vicenza Province  Cristina Franco, Federorafi President Claudia Piaserico, the Veneto Regional Councillor for Economic Development  Roberto Marcato and the President of ITA Carlo Maria Ferro, with opening greetings from IEG CEO Corrado Peraboni.  

The sector’s most eagerly awaited event is therefore back for an “All at Once” edition, as the claim of this edition  states, bringing together, in one location and in complete safety, thanks to the #SAFEBUSINESS by IEG protocol and  GBAC STAR™ accreditation of the Expo Centre, the very best of Made in Italy production, collection previews and the  excellence of the world’s most authoritative jewellers including Roberto Coin, Damiani Group, Fope, Annamaria  Cammilli, Crivelli, Leo Pizzo, Fabergé, Alessio Boschi, Schreiner, Yoko London and Akillis.  

A sector that confirms a trend towards recovery. According to estimates drawn for FEDERORAFI up by Confindustria  Moda’s Research Centre, 2021 will close with a growth of over +54% on 2020 (+11.9% compared to 2019), estimating  a turnover of almost 8.8 billion euros, with positive expectations also for 2022. 

Vicenzaoro sees the cohesive presence of institutions and trade associations: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and  International Cooperation and ITA (Italian Trade Agency), Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato Orafi, 

Confcommercio Federpreziosi, CNA Orafi, Confimi Industria Categoria Orafa ed Argentiera, Assocoral, AFEMO – Italian Association of Jewellery Machinery Manufacturers and Exporters and, at international level, CIBJO – the  World Jewellery Confederation

The event will be an important moment of debate and discussion on strategic issues: training, sustainability, trends  and innovation, with a schedule involving the entire community, the main players, opinion leaders and special guests. 

With Vicenzaoro, IEG intends to strengthen its role in support of training, on the one hand by promoting the  initiatives of trade associations, technical institutes (Vicenzaoro will host the RETE TAM Assembly) and universities,  and on the other, by enhancing the attractiveness of the sector. An example of this is the Inspiration Boards project promoted by influencer Laura Inghirami, entrepreneur and founder of Donna Jewel, which will bring new generations  to the show and, in particular, second-year students from the IED (European Institute of Design) in Turin on the  university course in Fashion Design, specialising in Jewellery Design. Training continues with Assogemme, Fondazione  Mani Intelligenti, the Gem Talk programme and Digital Talks

Seminars organised by CIBJO, which is also holding its general assembly at Vicenzaoro, and Assocoral will be exploring  topics regarding sustainability. A consolidated trend in the world of jewellery is circular economy, to which the  meeting organised by Trendvision Jewellery + Forecasting, the first independent observatory, devised by Italian  Exhibition Group (IEG) and specialising in jewellery forecasting, is also dedicated. Market trends and opinions will be  presented by Club degli Orafi together with Intesa Sanpaolo

T.GOLD will offer an insight into innovation and technology with the Jewellery Technology Forum and a new edition  of the Startup & Carats project, organised with the support of ITA to give visibility to young entrepreneurial  companies, thus encouraging new relationship and business opportunities

As for watchmaking, VO’Clock Privé will be offering courses open to the general public on Saturday and Sunday and  organised by the Geneva institution FHH – Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie and the CAPAC watchmaking school in  Milan

Once again, the city of Vicenza will play a fundamental role thanks to the now unmissable appointment with VIOFFVicenzaoro’s Off Show, which, with an exciting range of events, will further welcome visitors through the  enhancement of the territory and its excellences. 



Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A., a joint stock company listed on Euronext Milan, a regulated market organised and managed by  Borsa Italiana S.p.A., has, with its facilities in Rimini and Vicenza, achieved national leadership over the years in the organisation  of trade shows and conferences. The development of activities abroad – also through joint-ventures with global or local organisers,  in the United States, United Arab Emirates, China, Mexico, Brazil and India, for example – now sees the company positioned  among the top European operators in the sector. 

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and TJM Media Pvt Ltd. is not responsible for any errors in the same.