IDCA Announces New Board of Directors for 2018

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The Indian Diamond and Colorstone Association (IDCA) has elected the new Board of Directors for 2018 with Nilesh Sheth of Nice Diamonds as the new President and Shailesh Jhalani of Prompt Gem Importers as Vice President. Both were existing directors of the association.

Other members of the Executive Committee include Shrenil Bhansali of Fairway Diamonds, Inc. as Secretary; Rajeev Pandya of Ashi Diamonds as Treasurer; and Shekhar Shah of Real Gems as Jt. Secretary.

The following members of the Board continue their terms in 2018: Roopam Jain (Jay Gems, Inc.), Jay Mehta (Indigo Jewelry, Inc.), Prateek Nigam (Oriental Gemco NY, Inc.), and Mehul Shah (Shivani Gems, Inc.), while Haridas Kotahwala (Royal India USA, Inc.) and Prakash Mehta (Interings, Inc.) were re-elected for a fresh term.

Two young entrepreneurs, Sujan Doshi of SA Diamonds Inc., and Shiksha Naheta of Empresa Jewels Inc. were newly elected to the Board. Shiksha is the first female member of the board in IDCA’s history.

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