GJEPC’s India Silver & Fashion Jewellery BSM Opens at Jaipur with Buyers from 39 Countries

GJEPC’s India Silver & Fashion Jewellery BSM Opens at Jaipur with Buyers from 39 Countries

The India Silver & Fashion Jewellery Buyer Seller Meet (BSM) organised by The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) opened this morning at Jaipur with buyers from 39 countries and over 20 leading manufacturers of silver jewellery from India. The show runs from June 12-14, 2019.

The three-day event was formally inaugurated by Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Chairman, GJEPC; Nirmal Kumar Bardia, Regional Chairman, Jaipur and GJEPC’s Silver Panel Convener Ram Babu Gupta in the presence of the international buyers and exhibitors from India.

Buyers from different parts of the world including Algeria, Australia, Egypt, England, Ireland, Jordan, UAE, USA, Spain, Kuwait and Thailand comprising a mix of silver jewellery wholesalers, retailers, traders and representatives of chain stores will interact with the Indian exhibitors. It will give them an opportunity to explain their sourcing needs, understand supply chain, business practices and culture.

Speaking at the inauguration, Agrawal said, ““The BSM has been organised with an objective to meet current business needs of silver jewellery industry and to further establish and strengthen new business opportunities and promote business globally. The 3-day business matching programme will be an ideal opportunity to showcase India’s strength & capabilities in manufacturing silver jewellery which is in demand due to its exclusivity and craftsmanship, whether its machine-made or hand made. Made in India silver jewellery has gradually made a mark in international markets with remarkably good designs, bold use of diamonds and coloured gemstones thereby adding more value addition. I am sure buyers will get to see a range of innovative and trendy jewellery as per their needs and requirements.”

India’s gross exports of silver jewellery for the period April 2018 – March 2019 accounted for US$ 837.81 million.

Pic caption: Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Chairman, GJEPC; Nirmal Kumar Bardiya, Regional Chairman; and Ram Babu Gupta, Silver Panel Convener seen with visitors and exhibitors at the India Silver & Fashion Jewellery BSM

News Source: gjepc

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