Experts reveal 228% rise in demand for genderless jewellery

Experts reveal 228% rise in demand for genderless jewellery
Image credit: Taylor & Hart

A new study by bespoke jewellery brand, Taylor & Hart, reveals how there has been a rise in 228% demand for ‘genderless jewellery’ and a 69% increase in year on year interest in ‘male engagement ring designs’, showing a shift in buyer behaviour. The study also shows the countries in the world where demand is highest.

But what is genderless jewellery? Genderless jewellery is accessories that lack qualities that are typically associated with either sex. From the fashion week catwalks, red carpets to the high street, gender boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred in the fashion industry.

Demand for male engagement rings soars across the world

Taylor & Hart - World Searches
Image Source: Taylor & Hart

Taylor & Hart’s study reveals that more people are searching for male engagement rings than ever before, the USA taking the lead with 594,000 yearly Google searches for this trend. India takes the second place spot with 325,200 yearly Google searches. Typically men wearing engagement rings is not part of Indian tradition however there has been a rise in modern couples adopting this western tradition. In some Indian pre-wedding ceremonies the couple exchange rings to each other. In third place is the UK with 217,200 yearly Google searches.

The study also reveals that London is the UK’s capital of male engagement rings, with 22,800 yearly searches. The vibrant fashion scene and acceptance of non-conformity is on the rise, this could mean that genderless engagement rings are set to be the next big trend!

Taylor & Hart - UK Searches
Image Source: Taylor & Hart

What does this mean for engagement ring design?

Kate Earlam-Charnley, Design Director at Taylor & Hart shared her thoughts:

“A few years ago I had a customer who was planning to propose to her boyfriend. She reasoned that marriage is always a two-way commitment, so why should it only be the man’s responsibility to propose? She loved being able to design her boyfriend an expressive and personal engagement ring, and since then I’ve worked with more and more women who feel the same. I really believe the industry should be embracing this new normal.”

More women are now proposing to their other halves

Gold Wedding Ring
Image Credit: Unsplash

Is the stereotype of a man getting down on one knee something of the past? Taylor & Hart’s study reveals that the number of women who have proposed has tripled since 2010, suggesting modern couples are challenging attitudes towards dated traditions. Taylor & Hart found via a survey* found that 70% of men would be happy if a woman proposed to them, and although this could be a reason why we’re seeing a rise in demand for male engagement rings it is important to credit LGBTQA+ community for this trend.

Genderless fashion is the future, 57% of Gen Z shopping genderless

The last few years have seen a growth in fluidity when it comes to gender, especially in fashion and jewellery. The study from Taylor & Hart reveals that searches for ‘genderless clothing’ have been consistently rising since 2014 and 57% of Gen-Z are shopping for genderless fashion.

Big fashion brands such as Gucci are leading the way for this movement. Face of the brand, Harry Styles, is often seen wearing their gender-neutral pieces and was recently the first man on the cover of Vogue wearing a dress. High street stores such as ASOS are also blurring the lines of gendered clothing by offering extensive gender-neutral ranges.

While the average man is unlikely to start dressing in red carpet-worthy gowns, men are beginning to experiment with different styles and wear more jewellery. The infamous Connell’s chain from TV show, Normal People, saw a 500% increase in searches when the show aired in 2020.

While the fashion industry might be taking charge, genderless jewellery will follow suit. From statement necklaces, signet rings to genderless engagement rings, Gen-Z are finding a way to express themselves that goes against the grain and breaking down gender stereotypes as they do it!

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and TJM Media Pvt Ltd. is not responsible for any errors in the same.