ALROSA’s Total Sales of Rough & Polished Diamonds in May 2018 Amounted to US$ 288 Mn


ALROSA Group’s total sales of rough and polished diamonds for May 2018 was to the tune of US$ 288.0 million. Of this, rough diamond sales amounted to US$ 277.5 million’ and polished diamond sales stood at US$ 10.5 million.

The Company’s total diamond sales for the five months January-May 2018, amounted to US$ 2.299 billion. This included rough diamonds sales of US$ 2.256 billion and polished diamonds sales worth US$ 43.3 million.

“We continue seeing good demand for almost all assortment of our diamond products,” commented ALROSA’s Deputy General Director YuryOkoemov. “There was a planned decrease in sales in May compared to the similar period last year due to the sale of the inventories accumulated by the beginning of the year and a seasonal decline in the current production, mostly driven by mining suspension at some alluvial deposits in the first months of the year.”

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