ALROSA’s Latest Auction of Large Roughs at Vladivostok Raises US$ 12.6 Mn


ALROSA, which recently concluded its auction of large special size (+10.8) rough diamonds at Vladivostok, said it had sold 108 gem-quality lots totally weighing 2,003 carats for a sum of US$ 12.6 million.

There were 76 companies which participated in the auction. They represented markets around the world and came from Russia, mainland China, Hong Kong, the US, Israel, Belgium, India and UAE.

“The Far East is still of strategic interest for us in terms of expanding cooperation with China, and we traditionally invite companies from this country to participate in our auctions,” said Evgeny Agureev, Member of the Executive Committee, and Director of the United Selling Organisation of ALROSA. “The auctions in Vladivostok have been particularly successful this year. We sold more than 100 diamonds of excellent quality at the latest auction, and got a good premium to the starting price.”

Agureev announced that the next Vladivostok auction will be held either in late October or early November of this year.

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