ALROSA to start mining at upper levels of the International mine


ALROSA received approval from the regulatory body Glavgosexpertiza of Russia (the Main Department of State Expertize) for the project to open up and develop reserves at the upper horizons of the International (Inter) underground mine. The production is expected to start in the Q4 2020.

Underground mining at the International kimberlite pipe started in 1999.

The first stage of production implied mining at the depth from-200 m to -560 m. Under the second stage, the extraction to be carried from -155 to -200 m and at the deep horizons of the deposit. As of today, the first stage is completed. Current mining plan for 2019-2041 implies mining at the deeper levels down to -1,250 m mark as well as the development of the upper horizons.

“This year we start a planned development of the upper horizons of the Inter underground mine. This project has been included in all production and investment plans and it allows developing all commercial reserves of the deposit in a completely safe way. The company has already built the third, 347.4 m long shaft to extract these reserves. The ore from the upper horizons to be received as early as in 4Q 2020 with the capacity gradually increasing in coming years. We expect to mine these reserves for about 10 years,” said Igor Sobolev, ALROSA First Deputy CEO and COO.

International (inter) kimberlite pipe was discovered in 1969 in just 16 km from the town of Mirny. This is a high-grade diamond deposit with JORC reserves estimated at around 49.6 million carats with grades exceeding 6.7 carats per ton of ore as of July 1, 2018. The ore from the Inter mine is processed at the Plant #3 of the Mirny Mining and Processing Division. In 2019, the mine produced 2.2 million carats of diamonds.

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