ALROSA to Pass to Assay Chamber Device for Diamonds’ Authenticity Verification


On the grounds ofthe Moscow Financial Forum 2018, ALROSA and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation reached the agreement to run tests of “ALROSA Diamond Inspector” the Assay Chamber of the Russian Federation. It’s the first Russian made device that allows to verify the authenticity of diamonds.

Deputy Finance Minister Alexey Moiseev and Deputy General Director of ALROSA Sergey Barsukov personally demonstrated the device to the public.

Portable device “ALROSA Diamond Inspector” identifies natural gems, lab made stones, ennobled stones and imitations. The device allows to analyze both individual diamonds and stones in jewelry. Remarkably, price of the ALROSA Diamond Inspector is less than 8k USD, while cost of analogues produced in other countries reaches up to 20k USD.

“Today, we pass the device to the Assay Chamber for testing in laboratory Gemological studies. The company is also discussing possible deals with “Gokhran” and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus,” said Sergey Barsukov, Deputy Director General of ALROSA.

According to him, the potential demand worldwide for this device exceeds 350 thousand units. As the synthetic diamond market developes, the demand for such devices will grow.
According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, cases of counterfeits and falsifications in the jewelry market significantly grew in numbers over the past years. Some producers of man-made diamonds put them on the market under the guise of natural stones. This summer the Ministry of Finance initiated an experiment aimed to develop and enhance monitoringof precious stones the turnover. ALROSA takes an active part in the experiment, and the “ALROSA Diamond Inspector” device is an integral part of it.

“In our opinion, the presence of such devices and introduction of jewellery marking system will ensure the development of transparency and protect buyers from possible falsification by unscrupulous market players,” said Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev.

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