ALROSA reports its November 2020 diamond sales results


ALROSA reports its rough and polished sales results for November and 11 months of 2020.

Sales of rough and polished diamonds in November totaled $390.5 million, including proceeds from rough diamond sales of $374.1 million, and polished diamond sales of $16.4 million.

For 11 months of 2020, total rough and polished diamond sales accounted for $2,280 million, including $2,182 million of rough diamond sales and $98.4 million of polished.

“Demand for rough diamonds from our key clients in November remained strong enough as they bring their stocks to the normal levels amid the seasonal growth in demand for diamond jewellery in the USA and China. “High season” of Christmas and New Year sales traditionally supports the market towards the end of the year,” said Evgeny Agureev, Deputy CEO of ALROSA.

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