ALROSA June sales of rough and polished diamonds reached $222 million


ALROSA, the world’s largest diamond miner, announces diamond sales results for June and six months of 2019.

In June, ALROSA Group sold $222.4 million worth of rough and polished diamonds.
Rough diamond sales by value amounted to $219.3 million, polished diamond sales – $3.1 million.

ALROSA’s total rough and polished diamond sales in January-June 2019 amounted to $1,811 million. During the six months of 2019, rough diamonds were sold for $1,784 million, polished diamonds – for $27.3 million.

“We keep implementing our balanced sales strategy amid the backdrop of persisting excess diamond stock both at the cutting and polishing (midstream) sector and at retailers, as well as challenges related to financing of Indian midstream business. The market is gradually entering the phase of seasonally low demand for rough diamonds, which also weighs on the industry sales numbers. We expect Improving demand for rough diamonds by the end of the third quarter. We also see stable jewelry demand from end consumers, which creates opportunity for the recovery of overall demand for rough diamonds on the eve of Christmas sales 2019-2020,” commented Evgeny Agureev, Director of the United Selling Organization ALROSA, member of the Executive Committee.

ALROSA Group rough and polished diamond sales in January-June 2019
Products January February March April May June
Rough diamonds and grinding powders, $ mln 278.2 340.6 369.2 315.8 261.1 219.3
Polished diamonds, $ mln 3.4 5.0 8.0 2.9 5.0 3.1
Total rough and polished
diamonds, $ mln
281.6 345.6 377.1 318.7 266.0 222.4

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