Promoted by experts of Gem and Jewellery trade and Media. Established in 2016, TJM is committed effectively the scattered efforts of individual jeweller to make the Gem and Jewellery sector a powerful engine driving India’s export-let growth. With more than 12000 members spread all over the country, the TJM is primarily involved in introducing the India Gem & Jewellery products to the international market and leverage their international relationships to promote exports. To achieve this the TJM provides market information to its members regarding foreign trade enquiries, trade and tariff regulations, rates of import duties, and information about jewellery fairs and exhibitions. TJM is continuously working towards creating and retaining a pool of artisans, designers that are trained as per international standards so as to consolidate the Indian jewellery industry and establish it a prominent global player in the jewellery segment.
TJM represents the industry in the following capacities:
Trade Facilitator
TJM undertakes direct promotional activities like organizing joint participation in international jewelry shows, sending and hosting trade delegations and sustained image building exercises through advertisements aboard, publications and audio visuals.
TJM also invites countries to explore areas of co-operation in the supply of rough diamonds and rough colored stones as well as offers co-operation in sourcing of finished jewellery or Indian manufactured jewellery. To this end, the TJM regularly communicates with Indian Embassies, Trade Bodies and Associations in various countries to identify potential partners and buyers in the respective markets. through Advertising and PR activities as well as buyer-seller meets undertaken in the International and Domestic target markets.