Antwerp Rough and Polished Exports Up in July | The Jewelry News

Antwerp Rough and Polished Exports Up in July

Both the rough and polished diamond trade in Antwerp rose strongly in July on the eve of the annual summer break, with rough exports rising by 18% and polished exports up by 8.5%, according to figures released by the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC).

In July 2018, the Antwerp centre exported over 10.64 million carats of rough at a value of US$ 1.33 billion, a year-on-year dip of 2.21% in terms of volume, but a big rise of 18.18% in value terms. Rough imports rose by 3.84% in volume terms, and by a much larger 22.94% in value terms – with 7.63 mn carats of rough being imported at US$ 956 million – as compared to a year earlier.

During July 2018, the Antwerp centre exported 460,871 cts of polished at a value of US$ 1.10 bn, a drop of 4.02% in volume terms but a rise of 8.48% in value terms year-on-year. During the month, the centre imported 506,701 cts of polished at a value of US$ 941 mn, registering an increase of 16.72% in volume terms and of 27.94% in value terms as compared to July 2017.

During the first seven months of 2018, rough exports totalled 77.48 mn cts at US$ 8.18 bn, remaining virtually flat with a drop of 0.41% in volume terms and a slightly stronger rise of 5.88% in value terms, while rough imports of 57.06 mn cts at US$ 6.84 bn were similarly up by just 1.29% y-o-y in volume terms and a somewhat higher 6.14% in value terms.

Polished exports during Jan-July 2018 stood at 3.01 mn cts at US$ 7.23 bn, almost flat with a 1.45% dip in volume and 2.19% increase in value, while polished imports of 3.62 mn cts at US$ 7.12 bn, were up 5.53% in volume and 4.69% in value terms y-o-y.

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