ALROSA’s Auction of Coloured Polished Diamonds in Israel Earns US$ 1.2 Mn


The recently held auction of fancy coloured polished diamonds in Israel by Diamonds ALROSA, the cutting and polishing division of ALROSA, earned revenues of US$ 1.209 million. The entire assortment comprising 262 polished diamonds with the total weight of 209.34 carats – including 15 rare pink diamonds weighing 15.31 carats – was sold at the auction.

Also, put up for sale at the same auction were nine colourless diamonds with a total weight of 28.8 carats, which yielded a revenue of US$ 347,500.

ALROSA said that all the auctioned diamonds were manufactured from rough diamonds mined from the deposits of PJSC ALROSA, and its subsidiaries – Almazy Anabara and Nizhne-Lenskoye.

Pavel Vinikhin, Director of Diamonds ALROSA commented: “The auction attracted 85 firms and Israeli clients were in the majority. Companies from Belgium, the USA and China were also participants of the auction. Fancy coloured polished diamonds represented the main assortment of our November tender. Such pieces are always in great demand among our clients, especially the rare pink ones.”

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