Koin International to Tender Exceptional 476 Ct ‘Meya Prosperity’ Diamond from Sierra Leone

476 ct diamond Sierra Leone

Meya Mining Ltd has appointed Koin International DMCC as the marketing and sales agent of the exceptional 476 carat diamond discovered at the Meya deposit in the Kono District of Sierra Leone. The diamond will be sold at tender, Koin said in a statement.

The ‘Meya Prosperity’ diamond, as it is named, is the fifth largest ever found in the Republic of Sierra Leone, and after other recent large finds, shows the increasing importance of Sierra Leone as a producer of exceptional diamonds, Koin said.

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Minkailu Mansaray, remarked, “Koin seems to know exactly what we want from this remarkable diamond – the best price, prosperity and great publicity for our diamonds and country. And so in the end, it was an easy decision. We are pleased to have them onboard.”

Koin International CEO Adam Schulman said, “We are delighted to have been chosen by Meya Mining and the Government of Sierra Leone as their sales and marketing agent for this exceptional diamond. This for us, not only represents an opportunity to ensure that Meya Mining and the Sierra Leone government derive as much value as is possible from this diamond. We also see it as an opportunity to showcase Sierra Leone, its people and its rich natural resources. That is exactly what we will strive to achieve.”

Meya Mining’s CEO Jan Joubert said, “A diamond as unique in size and quality as the ‘MeyaProsperity’ necessitates that we and our stakeholders ensure the marketing and sales process are of the highest standard befitting this opportunity. Before appointing Koin, we looked at a number of other agents. In the ended, we settled on them because we believe with their expertise and pedigree, they represent our best chance of getting the best exposure and value for our diamond and mine.”

Companies interested in participating in this tender sale should email bookings@koininternational.com or call +32 3 231 23 05.

Pic caption: Minister MinkailuMansaray, Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Sierra Leone holding the 476ct diamond

Courtesy: Koin International

News Source: gjepc.org

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