ALROSA President Sergey Ivanov Inducted onto Board of DPA

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ALROSA President Sergey Ivanov has joined the Board of the Diamond Producers Association (DPA).

An association formed by the coming together of seven leading diamond mining companies, the DPA’s avowed purpose is “to promote and protect the reputation of the diamond industry”. ALROSA was amongst its founding members.

One of the main planks of the DPA is the implementation of generic marketing initiatives, in order to stimulate consumer demand for diamond jewellery particularly amongst millennial consumers. In pursuance of this mission, the first marketing campaign, with the slogan “Real is Rare. Real is a Diamond”, was launched in late 2016 in the U.S. Promotional campaigns have also been planned for China and India, which will be launched shortly.

“I am delighted to join the DPA team and appreciate the efforts made by the Association to promote our business,” said ALROSA President Sergey Ivanov. “It is important to remember that a diamond is not only a beautiful object of consumption. Diamond industry creates millions of jobs worldwide, generates budgets of regions and entire countries, and provides people with social support. Therefore, the stimulation of consumer demand not only determines the future of diamond mining companies, but also the future of many people and territories for many years to come. Strengthening the demand for jewellery with diamonds, and reinstating diamond as an emotional symbol is necessary for a stable existence and development of our industry.”

Apart from its generic marketing campaigns, the DPA is also involved in “representation and advocacy of the diamond producers in industry and non-industry organisations, creation of a reliable source of industry information, including trade and consumer research, sharing best practices in the field of corporate social responsibility and environmental protection”, ALROSA elaborated.

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