The Magic of Talismans & Symbols


Swarovski unveils the Gem Visions Talismans & Symbols Book at JCK

The earliest jewels were almost certainly magical talismans or protective amulets. Natural treasures, leaves, shells, feathers, luminous pebbles or even shed snakeskins, were seen as signs of the divine—intermediaries between man and the forces that governed his fate.

Today, the role of the talisman remains much the same. Deep-rooted beliefs have endured through millennia, reaching across the globe, connecting countries, cultures and civilizations. Every age and culture translates ancient symbols and beliefs in its own way, making them relevant and layering them with more meanings, fables and superstitions, causing the vast lexicon of symbols to continually evolve. Since the start of the new millennium, charms and amulets have swept back into fashion. Perhaps surprisingly in our rational, scientifically advanced age, ancient beliefs in the amuletic power of symbols are as strong today as they ever were, or maybe even stronger judging by the new genre of talismanic, spiritual jewelry.

This special Gem Visions book highlights the current awakening of consciousness and the desire for luxury with “soul.” We crave small, precious, powerful and meaningful personal objects to keep with us at all times, to give us a sense of continuity and connection to something beyond our world and ourselves.

Stay in Touch with our brand-new Swarovski Gem Visions Instagram Page. Find out more about Swarovski Gem Visions on our website. Visit us at JCK to find out more about Talismans & Symbols.

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