Grizzly Emerald Auction Generates Record US$48.63 million

Grizzly Emerald Auction Generates Record US$48.63 million

Grizzly Emerald Auction Generates Record US$48.63 million 

Lusaka, Zambia: 10 August 2023, Grizzly Mining Limited, one of the world’s largest  producers of emeralds, is pleased to announce the results of latest international  emerald auction held in Dubai in August 2023. The auction saw the Company offer  its latest mid-high grade rough emeralds from its flagship Grizzly emerald mine in  Zambia.  


  • Auction generates record sales of US$48.63 million 
  • Auction underpins strong demand for high quality rough emeralds from  Zambia 
  • 128 clients in attendance from Europe, Asia, and Africa 
  • 106 emerald lots were offered for sale, all of which were sold 
  • Proceeds to be reinvested into Zambian operations as part of ongoing  production expansion 

Abdoulaye Ndiaye, Chairman of Grizzly, commented: 

“Grizzly has been championing Zambian emeralds for over 25 years and I am pleased  to report another successful emerald auction which has seen new records broken. 

“The market for emeralds remains extremely strong and continues to grow in size each  year with Zambian rough accounting for 70% of global supply. I would like to thank all  our international partners who participated in the auction. 

“We continue to invest in our flagship Grizzly mine in Zambia and this auction will allow  us to deliver our ongoing expansion.” 

Auction Results 

The auction lots were made available in Dubai for in-person viewings by customers from 1-7 August 2023. Following the viewings, the auctions took place via an online  auction platform specifically adapted for Grizzly, allowing customers to participate in  a sealed-bid process. 

The specific auction mix and the quality of the lots offered at each auction vary in  characteristics such as size, colour and clarity on account of variations in mined  production and market demand. 

About Grizzly Mining Limited 

Founded by current Chair, Abdoulaye Ndiaye, in 1997, Grizzly Mining has been  producing high-quality emeralds and beryl for the international gemstone market for  over 25 years from its 100% owned flagship Grizzly mine in Lufwunyama region in the  Copper-belt province of northern Zambia. 

The mine produces circa. 60 million carats a year, with quarterly auctions both in country and internationally. Zambia accounts for 70% of the world’s production of  rough emeralds.

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