Sustainable jewellery collaborative Fair Luxury asks industry to take the pledge

Sustainable jewellery collaborative Fair Luxury asks industry to take the pledge
Ana Lucah, St John St, London, Professional Jeweler HOT100

Fair Luxury, which describes itself as a collaboration of jewellery industry changemakers with a vision for a responsible and sustainable future, is asking the industry to take the ‘Fair Luxury pledge’.

Fair Luxury is made up of a number of members from across the industry, including Anna Loucah of Annaloucah Fine Jewellery, Arabel Lebrusan of Lebrusan Studio, and Lauren Davidson of Ellie Air Jewellery.

Anna Loucah explained: “The idea of the pledge is to encourage all those who wish to approach their professional practise in a more responsible way to take a further step towards doing so.

“For example – you may say ‘I pledge to be using only sustainably sourced packaging materials by January 2022’. By setting yourself a single, achievable goal and a realistic time frame within which to achieve it you are taking a massive step towards realising bigger change.

“If there is something that you have been intending to work on within your business but just need that little bump to get started, pledging to do so may be all the incentive that you need!

“We hope that by providing this framework we can create a community of encouragement, support and information that will benefit us all.”

The Fair Luxury website explains that the pledge centres around three central tenets or promises to:

  1. Conserve and restore the environment;
  2. Work in a way that is responsible, transparent and accountable;
  3. Play a role in educating and empowering others.

More can be found at the Fair Luxury website.

NewsSource: professionaljeweller

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