ALROSA named a Top 10 Russian M&M company in RAEX-Europe’s ESG ranking


ALROSA has been rated 6th among Russian metals and mining companies in an ESG ranking compiled by the RAEX-Europe rating agency.

Out of a total of 53 Russian companies from the industries covered by RAEX-Europe, ALROSA ranked 16th. The agency particularly recognised the company’s corporate governance practices and environmental protection efforts.

RAEX-Europe is an independent European Credit Rating Agency, affiliated with the international group RAEX, which has more than 20 years of experience in rating and analytical industry.

In 2019, ALROSA’s social investments totalled RUB 12 bn, including pension payments and contributions under regional development programmes, corporate social programmes for employees and their families, as well as about 500 social and charitable projects. The Company’s environmental expenses amounted to RUB 7.7 bn.

ALROSA remains on the FTSE4Good index and maintains a BB rating from MSCI ESG, which evaluates companies’ environmental, social, and corporate governance performance. On top of that, the Company is among the Top 10 environmentally responsible mining companies in Russia as ranked by WWF Russia and a joint project of UNDP, GEF and the country’s Ministry of Natural Resources. In 2019, ALROSA received a Diamond Empowerment Fund (DEF) award for community stewardship.

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